“Everything I desire is within my reach.” Click on the thumbnail image above to watch the interview where Alice explains what this affirmation means and how you can use it in your daily life. Video by Supreme Video Productions, Inc. Related
+ What’s Holding You Back, by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U ErinAssistant, February 12, 2022February 12, 2022, Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, create, happinessu, perspective, 0 It’s nothing external as you may think. It’s not the lack of time, the lack of support, the lack...
+ Gain From the Pain of Negative Feedback by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U ErinAssistant, November 14, 2022November 14, 2022, Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, feedback, negativity, perspective, self growth, 0 No one likes to hear negative feedback, yet, it’s unavoidable. Wanted or unwanted, people will give us their opinions...
+ How to Get Over the Body Blah Feeling by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U ErinAssistant, May 2, 2021April 27, 2021, Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, body, body image, 0 Many of us secretly wish we were bigger, thinner, stronger, less wrinkled, or somehow more attractive. Yet, it’s important...
+ Choose a New Reality to Focus On admin@ardentpoint.net, September 8, 2014September 8, 2014, Blog, Inspirations, Alice, Alice Inoue, life is hard, Reality, 0 Life is hard now for many – physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, vocationally, – basically across the board. When we...
+ Why You Don’t Reach Goals You Think You Want to Reach by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U ErinAssistant, January 12, 2022January 12, 2022, Blog, 2022, Alice, Alice Inoue, conscious, Goals, motivation, new year, perspective, 0 This is a detailed explanation about why you don’t reach goals you think you want to reach. I notice...
+ Are You Feeling Old and Tired? by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U ErinAssistant, January 21, 2018January 20, 2018, Blog, age, Alice, Alice Inoue, clutter, draining, energy, environemnt, old, 0 Did you know that clutter, aging, and energy are all connected? As you get older, the things in your...
+ What Are You Most Afraid Of? by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U ErinAssistant, January 28, 2019January 28, 2019, Blog, Uncategorized, Alice, Alice Inoue, betrayal, debt, empower, failure, fear, future, power, synchronicity, 0 What you fear most—whether it is failure, betrayal, getting fired, being disowned from your tribe, falling into debt, or...
+ I Am Happy admin@ardentpoint.net, November 8, 2015November 8, 2015, Blog, affirm, Alice, Alice Inoue, challenges, 0 If you are facing challenges in your life that you feel you have no control over, you likely feel...