Give yourself permission to live your life fully. Sometimes we lose our center when we get caught up in doing what others, or society thinks is best for us. It’s wise to remind yourself that you are a unique individual, and what is truly important to you, is what is “right.” Practice being self-centered – not in an egotistical way, but in a way that serves your life best. Only from a place of “centeredness” can you make the best decisions for yourself, reach your goals, and be of greatest service to others. Is it time for you stand closer to the center of your own being, and stop betraying yourself to please others? If you have been operating off-center these days, then start making plans to move. You are not a tree. 🙂
Give yourself permission to live fully!
Do you have a bit of dysmorphia?, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, balanced, body, dysmorphia, 0
Do you know what body dysmorphia is? It is a disorder that involves the belief that your own appearance...
Holiday Gift-Giving Ugh, , Blog, Inspirations, Alice Inoue, obligatory gift-giving, 0
How I extricated myself from holiday gift-giving obligations… Happiness to me means that you do more of what...
Life is Good, , Blog, Inspirations, Miscellaneous, Alice, Alice Inoue, balance, duality, life, life is good, 0
We live in a two-sided world. Everything we experience in life has two sides to it. You are two-sided. ...
Find the Love Inside Yourself by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, acceptance, Alice, Alice Inoue, expectations, love, 0
Everything you see in others is a mirror of yourself. That’s why it’s much easier to love and accept...
We Are at a Turning Point (Winter Solstice, 12/21/18) by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
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As the light increases externally, it illuminates our darkest and most hidden thoughts internally. It’s a good time to...
All Experiences Add Value to Your Life, , Blog, Inspirations, Alice, Alice Inoue, bigger picture, everything happens for a reason, 0
Written by Happiness U founder Alice Inoue When I reflect upon my life, I can see that literally everything...
Get Up & Do It!, , Blog, "should, Alice, Alice Inoue, wants, 0
If you are inspired to do something, you just get up and do it. No one has to remind...
Remember This When You Feel Stuck by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, coincidence, synchronicities, vision, 0
Things are coming together for you in ways that are not yet apparent. As your inspired visions are on...