When you do a service for others in business, and charge less than you feel you really deserve – (thinking that getting “some” money is better than none at all), you not only instantly reduce your self-value, dampen your spirit and lower your standards, you create a weak link in your business. This weak link slows your growth and supports inefficiency, which leads to a loss of overall effectiveness. To be a “master” of your business (and your life), make sure you are inspired by what you do, and value your time and energy! How efficient and effective are you at doing what is truly important to you? Your business will thrive when you make an “even exchange of energy” the standard by which you operate.
Master your Business (and your life)
808.436.8234 smile@YourHappinessU.com
Do You Have a “Growth Mindset”?
admin@ardentpoint.net, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, challenge, growth, 0
If you are going through a challenge, you’ll get through it much faster if you develop a “growth mindset.” ...
Reduce Your Stress by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, judgments, perspective, stress, 0
REDUCE YOUR STRESS: Think twice before you judge others. Even though there may be a particular person who stresses...
True Love by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, appreciate, love, resentment, true love, 0
TRUE LOVE: One of the most profound human experiences is to be in an open-hearted state with someone you...
Our Challenges Always Have a Purpose
admin@ardentpoint.net, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, blessings, challenge, perspective, purpose, 0
You will never be given a challenge or crisis that you can’t handle, though while in the midst of...
Forge Your Own Destiny by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, destiny, fears, love, negative, perspective, 0
FORGE YOUR OWN DESTINY: Allow the enlightened part of you to guide you instead of the part of you...
Anything You Repress, Your Children Express!
admin@ardentpoint.net, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, children, demartini, parents, 0
I learned from my mentor Dr. John Demartini that your children will express whatever you repress. Why? They demonstrate...
How to Make the “Right” Choice
admin@ardentpoint.net, , Blog, Miscellaneous, Alice, Alice Inoue, pleasing others, the right choice, 0
Everyday, we make choices. Some choices affect us for hours or days, while others have such great potential impact...
Know Your Strengths by Erin Ushijima
ErinAssistant, , Blog, challenge, erin, erin ushijima, strengths, travel, uniqueness, 0
In our busy lives, we often forget that we are unique and awesome individuals (of course, there are some...