If you have a loved one who is no longer on this plane of existence, remember this: Each of us is far more than just our physical body, and because our spirits and souls are infinite and timeless in nature, the essence of who we are is able to interweave among and permeate all dimensions. Therefore, when you think of your loved one who is gone, know that they too are “thinking” of you. When you see something or someone who reminds you of them, recognize it as a symbol that they are clearly showing themselves in this special form—and it’s just for you.
Your thoughts, feelings, and intuition are intangible, but they are vehicles by which you can connect to those who are no longer in human form and are operating on the spiritual plane. So, although you may miss your loved one here in the physical, always remember that you are fully, deeply, and inextricably connected to them in the nonphysical. Anytime you have a memory that triggers the love you have in your heart for a departed loved one, know without a shadow of a doubt that it is they who initiated the connection.