
What ever happened to Summer? When did we get so wrapped up in our work, to-do’s, emails, obligations, and busy schedules that we forgot to enjoy Summer…the season of long hot days, spontaneous ocean dips, and slurping down melting shave ice.

It has become the norm these days to work more than we sleep. Not only do we work a lot, but we work hard. Some of us have multiple jobs, many of us have families to care for, homes to keep tidy, and recurring expenses that remind us that this vicious cycle is crucial for our survival. But all work and no play makes us tired, crabby, burned out, sick, and unproductive.

Perhaps it’s time for a Summer Revolution. Can you breathe some life back into the things that you loved about Summer when you were a kid? Step outside, look around. The traffic is lighter, the skies are clearer, and the days are longer! Every year, the universe grants us a few more minutes of sunshine, warm weather, and hope in each day.

As you challenge yourself to be a little lighter and playful this Summer, watch as your mood, energy, and productivity soar. We can assure you, you are not too old, you are not too busy, and it’s not too late! In all honesty, some of these things will probably be even more fun now that we’re “of age”. (If you haven’t tried a sangria popsicle, you haven’t lived!)

This is your year, this is your Summer! Let’s bring back the FUN! We have created a Summer bucket list of our own! If you’d like to join us on our quest to reclaim our Summer, sign up for some fun, free resources at

Wishing you the Best Summer Ever!


Kimi and Pua are energetic problem solvers always seeking and creating new methods for increasing efficiency, productivity, and joy in our lives.


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