Sponsored by: Nadine Aoki, Anastacia Brice, Mae Luzod, Karen Nakaoka, and Jacque and Keoni Vaughn

April Reflections:

April 2018 is when my 6-month Scholarship to Happiness U officially began my journey to Personal Growth & Success.
I enjoyed the classes I attended in April. I choose them by my work schedule & Intuition. It has been wonderful meeting my peers at the University. I learn from everyone. The Educators /Facilitators are amazing.

I’m so inspired by my moments spent at Happiness U. I have learned vital & important information as well as valuable tools to help me be my most authentic self while continuing to learn & grow in life. I believe that through consistent dedication & commitment I will be able to become a better version of myself. While reaching my next level of Excellence.  I’m looking forward to the next 5 Months. Im so grateful for this amazing opportunity. Mahalo to Everyone BTS for ALL their hard work & passion Dedication.  Here’s to Happiness. April was the perfect time yo Spring Forward into my Divine Potential.


May Reflections:

May was a great Month as I was able to attend many in person classes. I always enjoy seeing my cohorts & everyone associated with Happiness U.

I learned something significant from each class & speaker that I can use in my daily life. Some favorite classes in May were:[ I-Ching Oracle, Physiognomy, Work Life Balance, Birth Chart Readings & Punch & Brunch! ]
So Cool.

I learned Valuable information about my personality & passions this month (Positive & Negative) through ALL the classes that I took.

I realized that I do Procrastinate & need to be more accountable for my FB & Online Courses. What’s the Block…!?*
I’m sure they’ll also help I just need to work on my dedication /Focus!!! That I CAN do.   I’m committed to scheduling time for that through June & Upcoming months.

The themes for May to me  were ALL about Passion , Purpose, Intuition, Mindset  Personality & Insight.

I received a clearer vision of my Purpose in Life. I also realize stepping out into dreams can be scary too, just as it is exciting.  I guess that’s where hard work & passion come in. I also Believe that through my next four months I will get an even better grasp at how to continue Overcoming my ‘challenges’ & Blocks.

I know that I have a great team of support through Happiness U & my Cohorts to do what I need to do to stay on track!! (Motivated).

I’m definitely looking forward to where this journey takes me.


June Reflections:

During the Month of June  *I was unable to attend any in person classes due to scheduling conflicts.
This made me very sad. 🙁
The Blessing was working on keeping ‘Open Communication.’
I was able to come up with a ‘Solution’ to my ‘Challenge’ with my
Manager on switching the schedule up so I can more fully participate In JULY!

NOT Only is it a requirement I LOVE them soooo much. I’m glad I was able to express that to her. & she that she was Supportive.

This also gave me the opportunity to communicate openly with the Happiness U Team. I’m glad they too were supportive. I really missed Sharing, engaging & exploring with everyone.

During the Month of June I watched #2FB Members Video’s

6/20 Whats Holding YOU Back?

Alice Inoue –  Chrion (The Wounded Healer) this was Perfect! For me as I felt triggered there in June

6/22 Cultivating Creativity

Lani Kwon.  ALLways Perfect! (Taught me to be accountable & channel my energy&time in the right way)

During the Month of June I watched 0 Online Courses! (Where’s my Duncecap)!

I have been recently getting into the habit of being accountable for my time & putting my phone away….! I will make up for this Doubletime in JULY/June was a weird month with weird energy glad its over! C’mon July.
(introspectively I learned a lot about myself & life)

There was a fear of oh, I never started, it’ll be too much. Just fears in my mind & I know those classes will benefit me too.

My true reflections are that I do have Support No matter what & to get outta my head ALL the time & get grinding.

The positives from the Month of June are my Cohorts & Alice Visiting me in the Salon to get their hair done. It was fun to engage with them in my element. The support & encouragement truly inspires me to stay passionate about my craft & business future. Mahalo Ya’ll. (your hair is my passion) Thanks for trusting me with it!

I’m looking forward to attending more classes learning & GROWING in July. SO IT IS!

I Believe in the timing if my life & myself.


July Reflections:

On approach to Retrograde Mercury I felt over-stimulated overwhelmed & I took time to go within. Rest more! Journal re-lax, re-lent ect! After my July 13th Birthday Eclipse 2 days later I started feeling ALL The Universal Energies at play.

With Eclipses stirring up un resolved trauma  I went from feeling like Wow to Whoa…. Deep, Dark,& Moody! It felt like all the up speed momentum came to a halt & I felt stuck & confused about EVERYTHING!!! Certain things in media stirred up old past trauma issues I’ve already dealt with but, felt re- opened. It just added to the energy.

I’m feeling much better about that aspect at least & I’m moving forward remembering it is ‘Highlighted’ but, I’m not in that time or space anymore. I’m choosing to work with the energy as best i can NOW as opposed to working against it. This Month I was already able to attend Mindful Meditation/Max Gin & I have scheduled another & look forward to attending  more classes.
Getting back into the groove.

My biggest reflection is the mind is a mind is a powerful thing. Think positive always come back to center & extreme self- care is vital to happiness in life.  “These Energies too, Shall pass” & we will ALL come out wiser, stronger & more understanding” its been a toughie one for EVERYBODY! I think its truly to make us better versions of ourself even though it hurts sometimes. You gain inner understanding & strength. I hope that everyone is well through this intense time. It can be hard to navigate. No more excuses! Just finding new patterns to see what works best for me. I love YOU ALL soo much! Until next time signing out.


September Reflections:

I had a chance to take a break from work & got clearer on some of the daily issues or challenges I faced. It was about changing perspective, taking more action, pushing forward to create some new paradigms about myself, behaviors & MY life.

In September (30th) I was able to RE-CONNECT & attend my September Scholarship Meeting. It was exciting to see ‘new’ students.
WE are Growing. Nice to connect & share with others. I was also humbled & happy to receive a 3 month Scholarship Extension. It makes me happy to know I have the opportunity to be in a place where I AM Supported & can continue to thrive learn & Grow.

‘Timing’ I believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason.

I was also able to be present t a FREE HappinessU talk which had a huge turnout. Alice also facilitated a class on Integrated Elemental Archetypes. So cool. I learned Not only about others but, my OWN Strengths & Weaknesses. It helps  me to find the right BALANCE for myself AWARENESS!

The more You know….

I’m ready to take on my next set of Breakthroughs! Not Downs.. It feels better when you breakthrough! Through this next 3 months. I appreciate it. I will show you with my actions!! I am very good with words at appeasing people & can be Highly Manipulative!! So, don’t take my word for it! Just watch me. I’m a Butterfly NOW!



October Reflections:

This was a very informative & Inspirational class. Everyone who attended seemed to enjoy it a lot. I really appreciated how passionate & knowledgeable Chelsea was about Nutrition & Health. Her teaching style was very laid back inviting & chill. WE discussed Inflammation in the body how it effects US & reduce foods/ habits which contribute to it.

CBD was the topic that we discussed. I was surprised how educated Chelsea was on this topic! It was also very cool to understand that this is a POWERFUL tool to aid in Re-Ducing Inflammation as well as stress. It’s nice to see that it is becoming more mainstream.


November Reflections:

December is OFF to a Great Start. I’m already able to make it to class & really take advantage of my Scholarship. The Biggest ‘Aha’
Moment for me is to know I AM fully supported by the Universe & more aware of my self-limiting beliefs knowing I have control of what I want in life.

I’m in the right place. Doing the right thing.

I feel that I’m truly more aware & aligning with my purpose. I realized how Comparing & Contrasting myself with others seemed success isn’t good. For me. I’m a unique individual created for a purpose specific to myself that only I CAN carry out. Just wait.
Major shifts ahead.


Happy Holidays. 😉


December Reflections:

Looking Back….to 2018

I had a lot of ups & downs just like 2/11 Energy we were in. I’m thankful for the Full Spectrum of lessons I learned wether seemingly good or bad.

I’m HAPPY that I’m making it to class more & making choices that are right for me. #Aligning I see the Shift in energy from doing my De- Cluttering & Feng Shui. More ‘New’ is coming in. I have better energy & my mind is Clearer. So I see the value in ALL the work I’ve done throught last year, The classes I attended to help me Usher in the New Year 2019. I’m beyond grateful to HappinessU ,The Sponors & my Cohorts.

Excited about the New Year Energy.

Hope All is well. Until next time.




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