July Reflections:

It’s a joy and so relaxing to be physically at Happiness U.  The classes are great and it’s a great opportunity for me to do introspection, reassessing what I am doing and where I want to go.  I am excited to be a part of Happiness U.  I look forward to attending more offerings for the coming months ahead.


August Reflections:

It’s been a stretch, but my goal was to attend as many classes as I could this month.  I always go on the assumption that if someone didn’t have the something of value that they wanted to share, then they wouldn’t be presenting a class.  All of my classes were enjoyable and educational.  It’s also been nice to walk and drive around the neighborhood as I look for parking.  People at the classes are friendly and it’s always enjoyable meeting new people.  The meditation classes have been great and I’ve been trying to pay more attention to my posture and breathing.

I’ve been thinking of my original goal of cleaning up my clutter.  I started with my stuff at my mom’s house and got rid of some stuff there.  I plan to go again this month.  My wife is leaving on a trip to Japan at the end of September.  Since I will not be going with her, I plan to clean clutter then.  I have about a month.  I’m not sure why, but I just can’t do it with her here.


September Reflections:

I was able to attend more classes this month so didn’t view as many Facebook classes.  I enjoyed all the classes.  The information that is shared by the instructors are non-traditional which makes it more interesting.  I especially like when they link the physical body to the emotional, mental and spiritual.  Lani Kwon’s class was the first time I encountered Tarot cards.  I look forward to attending more classes to further my knowledge of the metaphysical.


October Reflections:

It’s been a busy month.  My wife has been away for just about all of October so I made a goal to clean up as much of my clutter as possible while she was gone.  You should have seen my house with everything sprawled out over the living room.  Well, I think I did accomplish quite a bit and although the progress may not be readily visible, there was a lot of stuff I gave away, or donated and a few things that I sold to begin the long process.  At least I got through the inertia phase.  The cleaning of my magic room was my main focus.  I reorganized some shelves to save space.  I took a bunch of stuff to the magic meeting to sell.  I also gave away some magic at the Waikiki Elementary School Haunted House where I was doing some strolling magic.  I have a bunch of magic that I have targeted that I want to sell and will need to inventory them before I forward a list to David Ginn who is a magician who sells magic.  I also gave away several books and some clothes to Salvation Army and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Although not completely satisfied, I’m pretty happy with myself, but I realized that there is a lot more to do.  The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.  Imua!  Ganbatte!  Oh, wait, first I going take a break since my wife is back.  Till next month. . .


November Reflections:

Looks like my schedule has caught up with me.  I pretty much have been able to attend classes regularly for July, August, September, October.  I was actually surprised that I attended so many classes.  Well, it finally caught up with me in November. I did not attend very many classes when compared to previous months and December will be even worse.  The Life Planning session was the one I was worried about attending.  I didn’t realize it was a two day seminar.  I will probably not be able to make it in December as this is the busiest month for magic show this year.  Normally, it’s not a busy month, but for some reason, this year, it is.

I am hoping that the I can make the next Spring Life Planning session if I know ahead of time.  I have shows booked out in January and February and even out to August 2019, but if I know ahead of time, I can block out days for the planning session.

The Scarlet excursion was pretty wild.  I’m not a guy that goes outside of my comfort zone too often so I thought I’d jump at the chance of a new experience.  As you can probably tell, I don’t get too wild and I don’t drink so I just kind of took it all in and chilled out, but it was fun.  It’s just that the music was too loud.  Never thought my wife would go, but she said she had fun too.  I’m glad the group got to meet her.  This was a great bonding activity and I fee that I know my cohorts better and I feel a little closer to them.  It’s nice to see them outside the Happiness U setting.

I was kinda looking forward to end of my scholarship in December and then I saw the extension offer.  It’s just that it’s big stretch for me to make such a commitment.  I feel bad because I wasn’t able to attend many of the classes in November.  What a generous offer!  I probably will accept the offer, but again I need to discuss with my wife.  I’m not sure how she feels about me going to all these classes.  I think seeing my cohorts at Scarlet helped.  She thought it was a nice group.

I’m going to check the December calendar right now to see how many of the classes I can attend.  I know I can attend the Monday night meditation classes with Max.   I’m really hoping I can attend more classes in December, but with my magic show schedule, it’ll be very difficult.

And lastly, thank you to my sponsor(s) for giving me the opportunity to experience new and wonderful teachers and practitioners that are so progressive and knowledgeable.  I loved the session on natural skin care.  It felt wonderful and with the use of natural ingredients, it was so invigorating for my skin.  I felt so pampered.  I’m trying to get my wife to try them out to see if she likes it.

Mele Kalikimaka and a Hauoli Makahiki Hou!


December Reflections:

December was a very rough month for me.  I was not able to attend very many classes as I had suspected.  I might have been able to attend a few more, but I got sick with laryngitis and that took a lot out of me.  I had magic shows every Saturday and Sunday in December.  Normally, it’s not a busy month, but for some reason, this year, it is.  I came very close to cancelling a few shows, but did not.  Fortunately, I was able to complete all of them.

I was very disappointed that I missed the Life Planning session.  I didn’t realize it was a two day seminar, but I have blocked out the last weekend in March so I should be able to attend.  I communicated with Pat so I got a headstart on my Life’s Purpose statement at least.  I am looking forward to a more restful January and also looking forward to attending more seminars.  Happy New Year!


January Reflections:

I am really enjoying the meditation classes with Max.  Too bad more people aren’t attending.  I think it has helped me with my breathing and posture.  It also has help me to be present especially when talking with my wife.  I really try to focus on being engaged in the conversation and not let my mind wander.

I continue to enjoy Alice’s classes.  In the Healthy Money Mindset class, I realized that much of my money was invested in time and education.

The month has gone by really fast.  I recently had my emailed hacked and it gave me a scare.  It took a lot of time getting new credit cards and I’m still changing my passwords for each of my accounts.  But I have gotten my computer overhauled and had it cleaned up and I’m ready for to get going again.  The clutter, however, has piled up in the meantime and the computer hack set me back a little.  I’ve been giving a lot of smaller magic stuff away and finding outlets like Big Brothers and Salvation Army to donate other items.  I also threw a few of my things away that were at my mom’s house.  Right now I’m working on my taxes and want to get that straightened out and off my table.  I got started, but still have to wait for tax forms to get sent to me.

Tomorrow night is the big night at Honolulu Club, 2019:  The Year of Movement presentation with Alice.  The scholarship students, including myself, will be assisting.  I’m excited as this is the first big event that I am attending and assisting with.  Looking forward to the Big Show.


February Reflections:

January and February seemed to have just flown by.  I can’t believe it’s going to be March in a few days.  I really wanted to be at the book launch but unfortunately I will be off island on a trip.  I will be there in spirit and I wish Alice the best.  It’s amazing how she integrated the super hero concept with the astrology.  Really neat!

I’ve been avoiding the online lessons and need to get back.  There are bunch of lessons that I wanted to view online.  Alice has so many topics that are so interesting.  She always comes up with more insightful monthly sessions also to help me get to know myself in depth.

The meditation sessions with Max are very difficult for me because my mind wanders.  It’s hard to keep focused and be present, but I’m trying my best and I learn something new everytime.  Max is very patient with the group and shares something different everytime to keep the group interested.

Melissa, one of fellow scholarships students offered to help me with my clutter at home last week Tuesday.  I was so anxious.  I’ve been comfortable with clutter my entire life and I depend on my memory to find things, but as I get older, I spread things out over the floor so I can see everything.  That way, I won’t forget.  Just the sight of things joggles my memory as to why I left it out.  Melissa helped me with my “magic” room which was a mess.  She helped me organize it and categorize the items into different categories–throw away, donate, give away, repair.  The rest was sorted into shelves by other categories–stage magic, magic supplies, closeup magic, things that I’m currently working on.  I felt so good.  Much much thanks to Melissa!

Danny Kim session last Friday was great!  I loved how he shared his own story and journey.  That made it very personal and I loved his “soft” approach and demeanor.  I can relate to a lot of what he shared.  Sometimes it takes awhile to get to know yourself and who you are.  I’m still trying and I have a long way to go.  This past weekend, I performed my usual magic at a party and just loved performing for and interacting with the people there, especially the children.  My client sent me a really nice email a few days later informing me that the kids really enjoyed me and one child now wants to be a magician.  I felt so flattered and fulfilled.  But was that me?  Is it really who I am or what I want to be?  Why am I so quiet and reserved in my “real” life?  There’s just so many things that I don’t know about myself.  The journey continues.


March Reflections:

It is with mixed emotions that I end my scholarship period with Happiness U.  Although it’s been a stretch for me to meet my commitments of the scholarship, I’ve also been very blessed to have been involved with Alice and her staff at Happiness U.  It has renewed and revitalized my interest in astrology, spiritualism, and many new and nontraditional approaches to self-improvement, health and my overall emotional well-being.  The universe is such a wonderful place to be.  We always have choices, but to know what’s out there helps so that I can make better choices.  We are the sum of all the choices that we make in life.

That said, I’ve decided to continue with Happiness U as a member.

I was able to take a peek at the new incoming scholarship class.  It looks like Happiness U did a fantastic job on the selection of the new members of the class.  Kudos!  The energy of this class is super super good.  The sky is the limit with this class.  They are seem excited to begin their journey and they seem open and willing to take risk and are ready to move forward in their lives.  They will bond and get closer as time goes on and can and will do amazing things as a group.

I was so happy to have attended the Retreat this past weekend and got pretty far with my LifeBook.  It was such a fantastic experience.  It was such an amazing feeling to finally write down my own script and story of my future.  I got so excited!  I look forward to creating and fulfilling my future goals as my life unfolds.

Mahalo to Happiness U for all the amazing experiences, classes, opportunities and for exposing me to so many new innovative things, teachers, people and ideas.  Happiness U is truly a happy place!  Thank you for an incredible journey.  I look forward to the next chapter in my relationship with Happiness U to continue my never ending journey!


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