Learn what’s holding you back from your desired financial destination. 

How to Have a Healthier Mindset About Money

10 Modules: $30

Open a path towards new forms of wealth by learning simple and effective steps designed to create awareness of the why and the how of your money flow. 

How to Have a Healthier Mindset About Money

With Alice Inoue, Life Expert and Founder of Happiness U

This 10-Module Mini-Course will help you to understand what you have to do to draw in more wealth, and where to start in creating a new relationship and mindset with your finances. 

  • Learn how to develop a “wealth mindset.”

  • See the connection between money and your energy.

  • Discover a new equation to define your net worth.

  • Identify any unhealthy mindsets or beliefs you carry.

Identify why you aren’t as financially abundant as you would like to be, and learn the steps to open up your money flow towards your desired financial destination.

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