July Reflections:
All and all, I have really been enjoying these classes and discussions. I have had a few struggles the last month and time conflicts, but I am excited to take more online courses while I can, as well as the classes in person. Alice is a wonderful source of energy and information. I love learning how to create more happiness and overall peace in life. I love learning how to understand this life a bit more everyday. It is so great that all of the in person classes are available on Facebook, because it gives the opportunity to see them even if I cant make the class. Although, I know that it is much different and more effective when you can participate in person.
Thank you so much for everything you all do! I am so happy this program is available for me and everyone else it is benefiting!
August Reflections:
This month I went to “The Astrological Heat of the Summer Invites you to Slow Down.” Although I didn’t have a personalized Natal Chart, it was super helpful to understand the meaning of “planets being in retrograde.” I was able to look at my own life and really think about the different ways that each planet slowing down, is having an effect in my life and telling me to reevaluate those aspects of my life. I’ve been learning a lot lately about the importance of slowing down, so that you can listen, learn, and understand the best ways to move forward, especially once life starts moving fast again; you want to make sure you are moving on the right path, with the right tools and mindset.
I also attended “understanding Divination and the Mystical.” This class was really interesting. I loved hearing about Alice’s experiences with Channeling. I also really appreciated her perspective that so many mystical practices are open for anybody to learn, it is just a matter of believing and practicing the art. As more people are becoming open to Metaphysics and Holistic Healing, it is exciting to me that more people will be open minded to these practices. It inspires me to continue to practice my gifts and continue to study and understand the different available mystical practices and ways of healing and connecting with the Universe, Spirits, and ourselves. I also really resonated with Alice as she spoke about her own questioning of people’s psychic and mystical practices; with the idea that we all have to understand the things people tell us with a grain of salt, while ultimately being the masters of our own ship.
This month I watched the “Finding Your Life’s Purpose” workshop on the Facebook page. I thoroughly enjoyed getting a new perspective on discovering your life’s purpose. It was really helpful how Alice explained how our Purpose can be small and unique to us; how it can be multi-dimensional and changing. I like how she had us ask a bunch of different questions to ourselves to begin to discover how we may already be living our Life’s Purpose as well as where we might want to explore more opportunities to discover and become more aligned with our purpose. I loved loved loved how she said at the end to “Stop searching and asking ourselves what we are supposed to be doing.” I feel like we often get so lost and frustrated when we consistently question ourselves and convince ourselves that we are not doing what we are supposed to. It is difficult sometimes because we do often base our purpose on what others have told us to do, or even what we may have told ourselves at some point in our life, not remembering that we change throughout life. But if we are constantly searching we are actually forcing an agenda, we are not allowing ourselves to be open to the Universe and listening to the signs and opportunities that are be given to us, and we will keep searching and never finding. I am now trying to see how and where I am already in my life’s purpose and how I can improve the many dimensions of this purpose! Yay!
I also watched “Busting Loose from the Money Game” workshop on Facebook. This was a marvelous class. I enjoyed being reminded to always express appreciation for everything including bills, taxes, the opportunity to contribute and support yourself, to support the world. I liked the idea of changing the energy of what you are paying for. “What you appreciate, appreciates.” I had never thought about how Tarah said your imagination is limited because it is your human mind, so when you let it go, unimaginable things happen. This is such a fantastic way of looking at our limitless self and infinite possibilities. The process she taught to reclaim our power over our creations and illusions was great! I am going to try this right away. I am really beginning to understand how we give our power away and how we create things we want and don’t want in our lives, so we have to practice changing our perspective, letting go to allow our Higher Self to guide, and reclaiming our power.
This month online I took “Avoid Distractions 101.” What a great weight lifted off of my shoulders to break down my to do list. I was able to see what were the things I want to do, should do, and not worry about. Then from there I was able to write down what I would get out of accomplishing the “should” task as well as what I will happen if I don’t. This brought some awesome perspective as well as some reality to the things I should be doing. It gave me more of a sense of wanting to do these things because I can actually see the benefit. It also took the worry out of my head and onto the paper. Somehow it made my to do list seem a bit less overwhelming and more realistic. The idea of closing the day affirming our accomplishments and appreciating our productivity is wonderful. I do catch myself always feeling under accomplished and then feeling the drag the next day of having to do the millions of things that are actually impossible to all accomplish in the timeline that I have set up anyway. Also, I love the idea of changing your perspective to see that we are always doing the things that we want to do, so we are still being productive to where our life is guiding us, even if our mind may be telling us something different.
I also took “Boost your Self Esteem 101” This class helped me to think about my strengths and weaknesses and learn to appreciate who I am. It reminded me to try and not compare myself to others because in reality we have no idea how anyone else’s life truly is. It helped me to remember that I need to make myself a priority, see my worth, and that I need to take action on the things I want out of this life. I really liked the idea about looking at the things that we may not like about ourselves from a different perspective to try and discover what we can learn from these things. I love to appreciate my quirks and see how they help to create the person I am and the vibration I bring to this world. It is so important to keep control over the reality that we create for ourselves starting from our mind.
And finally, I took the “Feng Shui 101” class online. I loved this class. I realized that unknowingly I already use a lot of Feng Shui concepts in my life. I have noticed that I love to remove clutter from my life, my room, my house. I grew up with a family that is always saving and hoarding things that we “might need” or that have “sentimental value.” I notice all of the energy associated with objects that I have. I love the idea of keeping only things around you that you love; especially since I am moving and this is a perfect time to get rid of things. I will definitely be using this way of thinking as I go through my things and decided what to keep and what to give away. What we hang on our wall is something that I have payed attention to, but not to the point of thinking how it may be channeling our energy to possibly feel less productive, or lonely, stressed, etc. Thinking about Feng Shui as more of a way of life of balance and tuning into the energies around you. I would love to learn more about this topic!
Overall, I had a wonderful and super insightful month of August with Happiness U. It’s been a real pleasure getting to know Alice more and listen to all of the amazing experiences she has had and fascinating perspective she puts on life and discovering happiness. The guest speakers are great! I’ve also had such a fun time getting to know the fellow members. This community is inspiring and uplifting and I look forward to meeting more people and taking more classes!
As always, Thank you so much for this program and everything you are all doing!
September Reflections:
This month was a whirlwind, and I am so happy I had the support of Happiness U to keep me on top of everything. I started off the month a bit lonely and heartbroken; this man and his daughter (both of who I fell in love with) moved off island in a complicated situation. The first weekend of September I got hit by a car riding my bike to work. I ended up having to file an official complaint to the police commission about the officer who handled the accident. My bike broke, and I’ve been in physical therapy, and holistic therapy for the last month for my neck, back, shoulders. Our Landlords told us we had to vacate the property so they can renovate. So, the end of the month was filled with me helping my roommates get rid of all the stuff in the house, while also counseling them through moving to new places, and off island. I also had to move myself and my stuff. I had to let go of so many things because I came to live in a tiny room with my cousin until the end of the year. I quit my restaurant job at the end of the month, and have decided to leave that industry behind as I move forward in my career. I am still at Scarlet on the weekends, but focusing on my studies and finding work/internships in my new field. I mean I can go on, but woe is NOT me!! Not at all! I accept challenges and I’ve learned to appreciate change. I am learning to always be grateful for all things in my life, the good and the bad, and to always look for the best things that are coming out of my situations. I’ve begun practicing some healing and counseling work this month and that has been amazing! I’ve had to practice consistent meditation this month to help keep me calm and motivated.
1. This month I attended “Superhero Unmasked 2.0” I am absolutely amazed how Alice has been able to create this personality test / identity chart on her own. I think the more ways for us to learn about ourselves and why we are the way we are, the better. It’s awesome to be able to see the differences in people, so we are not always trying to be like everyone else. I am a “Resourceful Creator” water + wood. I think this hits me on the nose! I liked how Alice pointed out that depending on where we are in our life, we might be vibrating in different Superhero Archetypes. I can totally see this being the case. I actually had a question about this class:
Is there a normal variance in totals for each archetype? For example, my highest archetype (1) scored 54 points and my lowest archetype (5) scored 42. So, between all archetypes there is a 12 point variance. Is that a lot, a little, avg.? Is there any relevance in this?
I absolutely loved this class, and I really loved the scholarship meeting afterward. Alice never ceases to amaze me with her life stories and experiences. I really appreciate her, her journey, these classes, and this community more and more everyday.
My month was so busy, and then the only weekend I was free to attend class all weekend, there were no classes… of course! haha
2. This month on Facebook Live I watched “Tune Into You Divine Spirit.” I really enjoyed learning a bit more about tarot cards. I never knew about mixing stacks as well as the reasoning behind the number of cards you pull and the different intentions behind questions. I also watched “Past Life Regression” with Dalybeth reasoner. This class was fantastic. I liked the idea of realizing that we chose this life and lessons we needed to learn. Also, the idea that we have 3 chances at death, and in some way also choose which of those times to pass. This class added some great new perspective to my life. I also watched “Avoiding Distractions.” Wow, was this class helpful for me this month. I had so much going on, and it helped me to focus my attention, while also giving myself a break. And lastly, I watched “5 Critical Belief Hacks” with Bill Finlay. Loved this class. I am continuously understanding now that we have so much more control of our lives and our vibration than we believe we do. One of the hardest things for me to do is not “give reality to things I am resisting.” This class reminded me how important it is to do this (or not do this). I was reminded to keep believing in myself and trust my path, and be thankful for the journey.
3. This month online I took “Get Unstuck 101.” This class was perfect to help me through my move. It helped me to separate myself from things I don’t need in my life that may be holding me back. It helped me to decide to quit my job so that I can focus on what really is important to me right now: my studies and my new career direction. I love how Alice always reminds us that we are always doing what we want to be doing, so we should pay attention to that, and also, give ourselves a break sometimes from so much judgement. I’ve been trying to remove the word should from my vocabulary and this course was another reminder to look at my life now and what I want and like to be doing, rather than what I think I should be doing based off of past ideas. Even with my relationships, this class helped. It reminded me not to get stuck giving in to something that is not right for my path right now.
I also took “Clutter Clearing Plan 101.” Oh man was this class sooooo helpful for me. I was really inspired to trash, recycle, give away, and sell all the things in my old house. When I moved, I got rid of so many things, but the house I moved into is so tiny. There is no room for anything unnecessary. The plan in this class really helped me to go through my things and get rid of all things I don’t need, as well as help organize the house for the other people living here. I’ve organized everything and I feel so much better about this new space I am living in. I was very anxious about moving here, but I am feeling great now. I’ve never thought about the connections between which rooms in our house affect which parts of our life. It is great to know that! My mind feels so much lighter and better when there is not clutter around me. I’ve grown up in an immigrant family, who saves everything “just in case.” But, learning to declutter has been life changing for me. So, I loved the extra tips in this class!
Thank you so much every day for everything you all are doing!
October Reflections:
What a busy month October was for me. Between Pride month/festivals and Halloween festivities with work and all I had an amazing month, but I am happy to be out and onto November!
1. This month I took “Overcome Overwhelm 101” Loved that class! It was so helpful for me to take a good look at my to do list and my shoulds list. I just love Alice’s perspective to A. Stop saying that there is not enough time. B. To focus more on the things that we do accomplish each day. C. Look at what the advantages and benefits are to doing the things on our list, so that we will form a why and want to do them. D. To delegate anything we can, whether we need to pay someone or not. And E. To straight up just get rid of some things that we just do not need to do now and will do if and when we have to.
2. This month I watched “Movement Strategies to Improve Self Image, Posture, and Function” with Vivian Best. It was great learning how to sit properly. I really liked the idea of working our lower back and hips more like a hinge. And, the “deskercizes”! Such great tips!
I also watched “Archetypes and Soul Contracts” with Dalybeth Reasoner. I really like her and I was bummed I missed the workshop. I was participating in the pride parade and festivities as well as other events and work that day. But this class was one of my favorites! It was awesome seeing myself in so many of the archetypes and then narrowing down my special 12. Some of the houses that they landed in still don’t make complete sense to me, but I enjoy looking at things from different perspectives to understand better. And it is always amazing to be able to identify more about ourselves to help improve our lives. It was such a helpful and interesting class and I appreciate how open she is. Absolutely loved it!!
I watched “Meaningful Work That Works for You,” with Lani Kwon. She is an awesome lady. This workshop was such a great reminder to make sure I check in with myself about what is important to me and what is important for me in the workplace. I have been working hard to find my happy place in work and it has been working for me. The more I know what I like, what I want, and what I stand for, the easier it is for me to find and focus my work in those directions.
3. This month I went to “Harness the Universal Laws for fulfillment.” I really enjoy learning about the Universal Laws and how to apply them to our lives and understand them, so that we can have more peace in our life. The Law of Vibrations has been showing up very strong in my life lately, and proving true in so many ways. The Law of Compensation rang home because I am starting to do counsel and energy healing work, and I have not charged anyone. I was reminded to give myself worth or no one else will. The law of relativity is always so important to be reminded about. We forget how awesome each of us really is because we are always comparing ourselves to others. And we forget how unfairly judgmental we can be about others when making comparisons especially because we really never true know another person and what they have been through in their life.
I also went to “Get Ready for Venus Retrograde,” with Alice. I really appreciated this class. It made everything going on in my life and around my life make so much more sense. I was happy to be able to share some of this information with my family to help them out as well. It is always so fantastic to be able to understand what is going on around us energetically and cosmically, so we can use it to our benefit. Also, I absolutely loved sitting down with Alice afterward to get some explanation of my chart. It was almost making me giddy how spot on she was about me!
Thank you always you wonderful and beautiful people! I am so fortunate to be a part of this fabulous community and I can’t wait for our outing to Scarlet! Woooot!
November Reflections:
1. This month I went to a Meditation with Max. It is out of my comfort zone to do group meditations. But, I’ve been trying to do things to make myself uncomfortable lately to remind myself of what I can do and break some limiting beliefs. I learned some great tips about meditation sitting posture, which was something I was noticing I lacked in my meditation practice. I also tried meditating with my eyes partly open. I’ve tried it a couple times since. It is not easy for me and can sometimes be a bit distracting, but I am finding some benefits to it.
I also went to Dr. Findley’s “Stepping Back to Step Up Fulfillment” It was great to meet Dr. Bill and begin this talk about limiting beliefs. Because of this class I ended up signing up for his 21- day challenge. That was life changing for me as I have been working on my limiting beliefs for a while now, but his program set us up in a great place to give way to vulnerability, be open and honest about ourselves, and give and get support from all kinds of people. I think it was just the right timing for me to attack some of my limiting beliefs!
I went to Alice’s “Introverts Guide to Success.” This class was great! It helped to show me what I had always kind of thought… that I am an introverted extrovert! Haha it helped me to have more peace and understanding with myself. And to remember that it’s always best to be myself and celebrate and honor myself as an introvert as well. Both sides of myself are important and there is no need to try and be someone that I am not.
I also went to Dalybeth’s “Ho’oponopono” class. I was really thankful to have this class. I have been wanting to learn more about Hawaiian culture and traditional healing. This practice is so interesting, easy, and awesome. I have been practicing it almost every day since then. I also read Dr. Vitale’s book “Zero Limits” where he talks about his experience learning this practice and the experiences of Dr. Hew Len who has helped so many people using the self-identity ho’oponopono techniques! This has been a game changer for me! So excited!
2. This month I didn’t watch any facebook videos… I was pretty involved watching all kinds of videos and making videos for the 21-day limiting belief challenge. But I did see some videos on there that I look forward to watching this month!
3. This month online I took “Get Over It 101” “Nothing happens to me, everything happens for me.” I just love that and I love to be reminded of that. This class was really helpful for me to think of anything or anyone that I have not been able to get over and let it go!! I realize I sometimes have a hard time letting go and this class gave me some awesome tools to practice.
The field trip to Scarlet was sooooo awesome! I thoroughly enjoyed getting to spend some fun time with everyone, open up, and be carefree!
Thank you Thank you Thank you always and from the bottom of my heart! I can’t express enough how much this whole program and everyone involved means to me! So excited to continue forward with you all into 2019!
December Reflections:
1. This month I attended one day of the Life Planning Book workshop. It was a great start for me and my new Life Book. I love the idea of this book, it really is so helpful! I still have a lot to fill in, but I am so happy to have the template and an awesome start on it. Especially as the new year is approaching and I have big plans for the next couple years! Planning is so important and the better plan I can create and schedule I can put together, the easier my goals become in attaining!
I also attended Lani Kwan’s “Reignite Your Resolutions.” I really enjoy her vivacious spirit. Her workshop helped to think about the type of resolutions that don’t work for me, and which resolutions I would like to try for again this year that I haven’t completed. It was great just thinking about and writing down my resolutions for this new year. I really appreciated the action steps she gave us to help us in keeping up with our resolutions. Specifically for me visualizing obstacles and overcoming them, writing down things I’m proud of to remind myself of my will power, recommitting myself every 24 hours. “Don’t should on yourself”
I also attended Alice’s “Astrology of Wealth” workshop. I love learning about astrology and wealth so this was a perfect class for me. I thought it was really important to see what works for us individually, based on our charts, to attain wealth. Mine was unconventional ways and creating value which makes total sense for me, is what I have been doing, and it helps me feel confident in my path. Also, connections are how I can attain wealth. It is interesting because I have been thinking about this recently, so now I know how and where to focus my energy.
I attended Dr. Bill Findley’s workshop “Your Priceless Gift to Others.” I am always intrigued how Dr. Bill seems to do some preparation, but mostly just allows himself to simply be guided as to what to speak about. I loved his many examples and really appreciated the simple “gift” ideas that he shared with us that we can offer to others: Engage, Listen, Serve Others. I have been practicing listening and serving, but the idea of engaging is more challenging for me. I have much more aware of this and forcing myself to practice this, ever since this class. And it’s been great!
Lastly, I attended “Sleep and Dreams” with Dalybeth Reason. I always seem to resonate with her classes. I started a dream journal a while ago, but since this class I went back to that journal with a different point of view. I never thought to consider what I was dreaming about and then look at my life and see what certain aspects of my dreams might be symbolizing in my real life. I always thought that images in dreams were just actual symbols that meant something, no matter who you were. This has been so helpful for me. I have been giving much more importance to my sleeping patterns, and trying to do what I can to have the most amount of hours of consistent sleep. It is actually pretty difficult, so many factors. Also, I’ve been more diligent bout thinking and writing my dream before I lift my head, because I do realize as she said that It leaves your memory as soon as you do that! I am creating more of a sleep ritual!
2. This month on Facebook I watched “Food and Skin Glow” with Holly Harding. It was awesome and also alarming to learn about GMOs and all the chemicals, antibiotics, and pesticides that we are unknowingly putting into our bodies. It’s so crazy to think that even though we are trying to eat healthy, we are still possibly hurting our bodies. It is shocking to me that our government allows these practices and proves once again how capitalism and greed of large corporations continue to hurt us in so many ways. I try to eat as healthy as possible, and now with this understanding I am going to be paying even more attention to what I consume!
I also watched “Be at Ease or Dis-Ease” with Chad Sato. Such an interesting class. Being in harmony in life is so important. Lately, I have been considering the connection between mental health and physical health, and I really love to learn about this. Security, shelter, rest, food, and love are what create harmony. I loved all of examples he gave, especially about how sometimes unknowingly we or people we are helping may feel comfortable with their sickness because of benefits they are receiving from it. So, it important to see the benefits of being healthy and recognize why we may be allowing ourselves to stay unhealthy or sick. Also understanding the real root of our physical problems and anything mentally that may be attached to them. So important. I’d love to learn more about this.
3. This month online I took Life Purpose 101. I always really love the way Alice is able to change our perspective on things – it’s impressive and important. So many times we get stuck in such a narrow-minded way of thinking… especially about things like our life purpose. This class helped me to look at my life and give it purpose. It helped me to see where I am already serving or have already served a purpose in many different aspects of life, rather than just focus on an outside idea of what is the “wor” purpose of my life. It also reminded me that a main purpose in life is to grow and that life continues to challenge me so that I can continue to grow. Soooo awesome! And so helpful!
This month I tried to attend as many classes as possible, and it was so wonderful. I experienced a lot of growth from November to January. I am so happy and forever grateful to be able to continue for the next few months with all of you beautiful people. The community of Happiness U has become really important in my life.
Thank you always for everything you do and touching the lives of so many, to help make us better and help those around us to become better as well!!
January Reflections:
1. This month I attended “Your numerology word of the Year” What a great class! I discovered that my word of the year is Fearless. I’ve also attached the word Action to that word for this year. It was so cool to see where everyone else’s vibrations are, as well as get the information about our numerology for this year. I am in a 2 year and I am so excited for what’s to come!
I also attended 10 Reasons to explain challenging events in your life. I have been working really hard to learn how to have gratitude in all moments of my life, especially the challenging ones. This is helping me to learn and understand so much more. This class was perfect for bringing even more understanding to our challenges, and more reason to have gratitude toward them.
I was so grateful to be able to attend Alice’s presentation 2019 Year of Movement, astrological and spiritual perspective. What an amazing experience to share with my fellow students and be able to watch our teacher shine! I resonated with so many points she was making about this year and years past. I feel that this year is a very powerful oneand I am finally moving in the right direction. I am completely feeling the energies of “conservative risk taking,” “responsible freedom,” and “joyful changes in beliefs.” Such an awesome presentation!
The monthly check-in was so special this month. It is such a gift when Alice reads our astrology charts. And, I felt very blessed to get some amazing insight on my astrology and the year ahead. It is such an exciting year for me and there is power in the validation of my direction, goals, and mindset!
2. This month on Facebook I watched Healthy Money Mindset. I love that class. It is so helpful to be reminded of our belief systems around money and also where we place our value. I have been trying to restructure my belief system as far as my money mindset and vibration is concerned. It is a continual practice, but this class really helps me to understand my mindset to then be able to work with it.
I also watched “Chronic Disease and Medicine” with Dr. Arnold Olivier. I am always so intrigued by connection of our physical health to our mental well-being as well as outside factors around us. The electromagnetic acupuncture he was talking about seems so interesting and such an amazing tool to help people with detection and prevention from illness. It is quite alarming how effected we are by chronic disease, as well as the different possibilities there are for a minor sickness to turn into a major sickness. Oh man, always so much to learn when it comes to health. I love it!
3. This month I took Universal Laws 101. I always really appreciate a refresher on the Universal laws. Alice does such a great job of breaking them down to make sense in our lives. I am sure I will watch this lesson again, as I am trying to get a deepr understanding of them stored in my memory banks.
I feel like January flew by! This is year is so awesome and I am so blessed to be able to participate in this program as much as I can. Learning so much from all of the amazing people involved! Thank you always!
February Reflections:
1. This month I went to Dr. Bill Findley’s “Think and Grow Rich” class. I was involved in an online study group for this book with Dr. Findley over the last month. It was awesome to be able to talk about in person and get added ideas and insights to the meanings behind creating richness in our lives. What I have learned more than anything, is to get great focus on one thing in particular – which is pretty difficult to begin with. But, discovering what we want in life is so important. And once we make a decision to go full force, with full desire, and full persistence and achieving what we want. It is relatively basic, but we seem to always complicate our lives, make excuses, change decisions, listen to other people, etc. And life gets in the way when we are not paying attention! I am really beginning to focus at this point and I can’t tell you how much my life is changing for the better!
I attended the “What’s Your Attachment Style” with Alice. It was so helpful to be able to understand myself a little better and the reasons why I may have developed an avoidant attachment style. It was also great to see that I have grown so much since I was younger and have much more of a Secure attachment style these days. Of course, things tend to depend on circumstances and people within the relationship. It made total sense that avoidant and anxious attachment people attract each other… so funny!
I also went to the Vision Board Class. I absolutely loved that class! I wasn’t sure exactly which direction I was going to go. Right before the class I meditated a bit and really thought about what I wanted to envision. What kept coming to my mind was this next year when I will be traveling and embarking on the final leg of my schooling to get my Ph.D in Metaphysics. So, that is where I took my vision. Alice asked the most perfect questions for me to understand where I am at, what I want for my future, and what I will have to do to get there. It makes things a lot less scary when we can see the path! It was so nice to have great company and energy in the room. Everyone’s boards were so inspiring and unique! Someone brought stickers and all kinds of tools to help beautify our boards and I was honestly just so pleased with the way my board turned out.
And lastly, I attended Dalybeth Reasoner’s workshop on “Ask your Guides.” I really love her classes – so inspiring! I never knew there were so many different kinds of spirit guides. I have been connecting to mine a lot lately. And, since this class I decided to ask their names and keep up more of a relationship with them. Her Angel cards were awesome. I loved my reading; it really was exactly what I needed to hear. Also, I have been using her technique to call on guides, especially Carl Jung to help me finish my thesis and guide me through the writing!
2. This month on Facebook I watched Dr. Chad Sato’s class “The ABC’s of Mind-Body Connection.” I just love him so much! I was bummed I didn’t ask which classes were happening on the first weekend of this month. I am so interested in the connection between mental and physical ailments. I do believe that as Dr. Sato says, so many of our physical problems are happening because things that we are struggling with, that are out of alignment in our lives. I feel that this is both spiritually and mentally. I am not sure how to practice a better connection between the two. Although of course like he talks about, once our body tells us there is something wrong, we have to look at the bigger picture of our life. But, I am curious how do we them go about healing, after we fix the mental, spiritual, outer world problem. Anyway, I look forward to going to one of his classes and loved this one so much!
I also watched Lani Kwon’s “Soulmates Workshop.” She is such a fabulous spirit! Love her! It was powerful to be able to look at the ideas of soul mates and twin flames from different perspectives. I appreciate how she openly shares her own experiences, so that we can relate. I appreciate the idea that there is not just one soul mate out there for everyone. And it was also so interesting to see how and why there are some people out there we have a deep connection to, but are not fit to be our life partners.
3. This month I took “Banishing Your Stress and Worry 101.” “Balance your perspective on stress.” – Wowwy! I always love how Alice pushes us to change our perspective on everything. It is so important, and hard to do on our own. As she says, there are polar opposites to everything. I do care about what I am doing and want to do a good job, and the stress does help me to do this and to get things done! You do really begin to see the connection between stress and care. I Feel that I used to worry a lot and I do still tend to worry more than I should. I loved the affirmation and the idea to always think objectively about our worries! Plus, I don’t want to prematurely age myself!! Multiple strategies and plans toward a goal – that’s gold!
And finally, I took “How to Say No 101” Soooooo helpful! Thank you Alice! I love the advice about how writing how much time I think it will take to complete a task. I am constantly making unrealistic goals by not considering the time they will take. Also, I totally say yes so that people will like me, ugh!! And, I hate losing out on an opportunity. And, the why not? That plagues my life, if I don’t have a set schedule especially since I do a lot of work and study from home. Such great examples on how to say No to people! Boundaries – gotta have them!
Such a great month! Thank you so much ladies for all you are doing to make this world a better place to live in!
March Reflections:
My overall experience as a Happiness U Scholarship Student for the last 9 months was more than amazing, it was life changing and I am forever thankful. It was so much more than I could have ever asked for or expected. Alice is such a special person, well rounded, relatable, funny, knowledgeable, and a spectacular Mentor who I know I can always turn to for wise and inspirational insight for my life. This scholarship came at a perfect time in my life when I was beginning to explore my thesis topic for my Master’s program in Metaphysics. I am now just about finished with my thesis and completely ecstatic about it. The Happiness U community is unlike any other community I have ever been involved with. So many unique people from all walks of life, all ages, with awesome experiences, input, and perspectives about everything we learn throughout the program and workshops. The teachers are all amazing! I made such important contacts and community with teachers like Dalybeth Reasoner, Bill Findley, Lani Kwon, and Chad Soto. I was pushed to question my theories and ideas on a regular basis. I learned so much, not only about my life and creating happiness, but about relationships, spirituality, astrology, metaphysics, health, mind body spirit connections, feng shui, healthy mindsets around money and self, discovering my life purpose and planning it out, communication, practical applications to make my life easier, healing techniques, and so much more. I gained tons of confidence in myself and my abilities, I understand and accept myself so much more, and I am able to feel way more comfortable in my own skin, as well as with all kinds of people around me.
I loved being able to go to class and interact with the teachers and other students. I had fun putting myself out of my comfort zones in group meditation, or interactive classes. I loved being able to take courses online at my own pace and choose classes that made sense for me. I really appreciated the Facebook live videos that I could watch live, or watch the replay, so I never missed out on anything I wanted to learn. Our field trip to Scarlet was so much fun and the book launch was amazing! Some of my most favorite memories of my time in Hawaii, in general, were the monthly meetings we got to have with Alice and the other scholarship students. These were so special for me because Alice created a safe space for us to share openly and honestly about our lives and learn from and support each other.
I would highly recommend Alice and Happiness U to anyone who wants to get more out this life and connect with a community of movers and shakers who are inspiring each other to grow and be better for ourselves and the communities around us. I made many life-long friendships through this program. My heart feels full every time I think about my Happiness U experience. Alice and her community of healers and mentors have created such an enormous and lasting impact on my life, I am forever grateful and excited to continue a relationship with them in any way possible now and into the future! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all that you do and the awesomeness that you exude!