September Reflections:

It’s been a blessing and joy being a part of Happiness U. The relaxed atmosphere makes it welcoming and pleasant. Been attending as many classes as possible and keeping an open mind. This past month was filled with a wealth of awesome information that I’m still digesting. I’m excited and looking forward to more classes and meeting great people.

October Reflections:

It’s been a very challenging month. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to attend any classes in the last few weeks. My father had a heart attack and upon picking him up in the Philippines, I received news that my uncle lost a long hard battle with cancer. The day after I returned to Hawaii from the mainland to attend my uncle’s funeral, my father underwent 2 emergency heart procedures and has one more to go. I’ve been holding on to “every experience I have is designed for my growth and evolution” and “there is always a bigger picture to consider that supports me in every way”. I’m trying to look at the bigger picture in this experience. Maybe it’s giving me the opportunity to grow my “positivity” muscle. Without going into detail, it’s been years since I’ve seen my father. I’m sad that he had a heart attack, but I’m happy that I get to see him again. Also, knowing that my uncle is not suffering anymore gives me peace. I’m experiencing that next level of “hell” that has been mentioned at Happiness U in order for me to grow. Happiness U has given me a new insight in life during this challenging time. I’m finding the positive in the negative because they both have to coexist to bring me to the next level of growth….polarity. Still trying to fully grasp this idea. Happiness U couldn’t have come into my life at a better time. Somehow I know this experience will help me “grow and evolve”.

November Reflections: 

Although November has been a very challenging month, it has given me the opportunity to apply what I’ve learned so far. There is no coincidence that these challenges have come at the same time as my involvement with Happiness U. There is something bigger going on and I’m open to it. Trying my best to be present. I know that everything that is happening is in service to my higher calling. Looking forward to what lies ahead.

December Reflections:

Word of the year….Breathe! The end of 2019 has been challenging and it’s been a rocky 2020 start. Trying my best to be present. No matter what challenges I may face in 2020, I will focus on my breathing. Looking forward to more classes at Happiness U and applying the knowledge that I gain.

January Reflections: 

I am continuing to focus on my breathe. Like all of the classes offered at Happiness U, I’ve been enjoying the Mindfulness Meditation with Max class as well. The class has helped me reinforce my focus on breathing and being aware of my posture. It also helps me to be present especially with family and when talking with people, allowing me to engage in conversation and not let my mind wander. I am extremely grateful for the scholarship extension! Thank you Happiness U!

February Reflections:

I finally scheduled a Shiatsu appointment! I’ve been wanting to schedule an appointment since attending the Kinesio Taping class back in mid September. I’ve learned that pain from traumatic events can be stored in the body causing long term pain. Through Shiatsu, changing perception, relearning and rewiring the brain, the “junk” stored in the body can be released. Thank you Happiness U for providing classes that open my mind to different modalities that achieve balance and healing.

March Reflections:

It’s been a little crazy during this last month to say the least. It was challenging trying to figure things out when there was so much uncertainty. Alice’s message during our scholarship meeting definitely put me at ease. I realized that I needed to trust in the process and know that no matter what, everything is going to be alright. I also learned that the fear of something is usually worst than if the fear actually came true.

I was sad that scholarship was coming to an end and we would have to say goodbye via zoom. My sadness soon turned into excitement when I received the email of another scholarship extension. Thank you again Happiness U!

April Reflections:

Adjusting to this new normal. The scholarship extension has been very helpful during these stressful times. The Mastering the Many Facets of Change class in particular couldn’t have come at a better time. The class taught me that the only constant is change and that stress is the inability to adapt to a changing situation. In order to better manage stress, I would have to accept what is going on, adapt to the current situation, and allow everything to happen the way it’s suppose to.

One adjustment for me was having to adapt to classes online via zoom. Until I learn how to change my screen name, I am currently referred as “Lanea” (my daughter’s name used for her zoom meetings) during class.

While homeschooling 3 kids during the stay at home order, it gave me a greater appreciation for teachers. After this experience, I think they should be better compensated for the work that they do. I will definitely continue to accept, allow, and adapt to our current situation.

May Reflections:

Great classes offered as usual in May. They were really helpful as restrictions lighten up and Hawaii slowly reopens. I’ve learned the Best Tools To Overcome Pain, Stress, and Worry, established a Clutter Clearing Plan, learned about the many Universal Laws and how they work together and build upon each other, and also gained insight about the Female Brain which was very beneficial especially living in a female dominated household. The Mini Yoga and Sound Healing Sessions were a treat, both an invigorating and relaxing combination.

June Reflections: 

A powerful meditation during our talk with Alice stood out for me in June. We connected with our inner child which was a new and healing experience. I am so grateful that Happiness U became a part of my life journey. The scholarship timing couldn’t have been better. I am blessed to be a part of the supportive Happiness U community. Thank you Alice, Erin, and Kristin! Mahalo Happiness U!


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