February Reflections:

I really enjoy attending classes at Happiness U. I find it to be very pleasant and educational. One of the classes I regularly attend is mindfulness meditation. What I have learned in a couple of sessions had help me slow down and be aware. I began to implement what I have learned in my daily life. It has already paid dividend in what I do for a living. The instructors is very easy to follow. I enjoy being in a positive and happy atmosphere. I have met a lot of wonderful people here and very grateful to be part of the Happiness U family.


March Reflections:

March was a very busy month for me. I still made time to attend classes at Happiness U.  I enjoyed all the classes. The vision board and life planning classes was the classes I really enjoyed.  All in all I really enjoy being a student at Happiness U.


April Reflections:

I really enjoy the classes I have attended. I have being attended classes since December 2018 and it already seen big changes in my life. I find my myself to be more aware and peaceful. I’m a very quiet person and don’t really engage in conversation. By attending classes at Happiness U I’m more open to converse with people  I’m starting to come out of my shell. This month I attended Find your Archetype. It made me understand who I am and why I do and feel the way I do. The students here come from all different type of backgrounds and profession.  I found that there is no negative person here. I really enjoy everyone’s presence and energy.


May Reflections:

May was a very good month for me. What I have learned in Happiness U I have implemented in every day life. One of the class I took is Do you want to live forever. I found this class to be interesting. It open up my eyes on really how fast everything is changing. The instructor was very easy to follow. Just so grateful to be part of this circle.


June Reflections:

June was a good month for me. I really enjoy being in presence of positive people. The instructors are very pleasant and have everyone participate. They are very easy to follow. What I have learned here I will apply in my daily practice. Mahalo.


July Reflections: 

I just want to thank Happiness U for the last six months I am so grateful for being chosen to be offered a scholarship. I have learned a lot from attending classes here at Happiness U. The instructors were easy to follow and enjoyed my time with fellow students. I would recommend Happiness U to everyone. If I had to sum up the one thing I got out of this six months is “HAPPINESS IS YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY”.


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