Right smack in the middle, between positive and negative emotions, between good and bad feelings, and between infatuation and resentment is the core of the human experience…and it is nothing other than LOVE. Love encompasses every extreme.

So instead of wishing for a life with “perfect” partners, friends, spouses, children, bosses, landlords or employees, appreciate everyone in your life for what they bring to you – the full spectrum. Without their contribution, your life wouldn’t be the same and you wouldn’t know love.

Love exists exactly in the middle of your pains and pleasures, your challenges and joys and your ups and your downs. When Debbie Downer comes along to burst your bubble, she is there to help you find love. When Debbie Delight comes along to lift you up from your sadness, she is there to help you find love. Accept people for who they are. Stand in the center of the core of your existence. There you will find peace, balance and love.


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