Mercury Retrograde is a significant astrological event that occurs 3-4 times a year, lasting approximately three weeks each time. The planet Mercury, associated with communication, technology, and travel, can challenge these areas of our lives during retrograde. During this period, misunderstandings, miscommunications, and delays in personal and professional relationships are common. Technological devices may malfunction, and travel plans may face unexpected challenges.
What is Mercury Retrograde?
Play Your Game by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, be real, choices, collaborate, relationships, sacrifice, standards, 0
No matter what you do or don’t do, someone will be unhappy with what you do. I guarantee it....
When is it “okay” to quit?, , Blog, Inspirations, Alice, Alice Inoue, quitting, 0
When is quitting the right thing to do? Or do we just hunker down and persevere through the challenge?...
SAY NO – NOW by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, energy, lessons, life lessons, no, relationships, Say No, 0
It’s always best to do or say what you want. If you don’t do what you know inside is...
Another Trip Around the Sun by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, appreciate, astrology, birthday, earth, experiences, life, moon, sun, 0
The ancients looked for the Sun in the morning and to the Moon at night to know all was...
Look Back by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, 2018, 2019, Alice, Alice Inoue, manifest, new year, priorities, shine, value, 0
As the year winds down, start looking back on what you accomplished and achieved this past year. We naturally...
Are You Dragging? by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, adrenaline, Alice, Alice Inoue, covid, energy, fatigue, motivation, pandemic, positive, 0
More and more, my clients are complaining about how tired and unmotivated they feel these days, even though they...
Hurricane Lane and Your Worrisome Thoughts with Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, fears, hawaii, hurricane, hurricane lane, perspective, storms, 0
When you fear a negative outcome, your mind will create an array of abundantly detailed scenarios to support your...
Is Life Feeling Restricted? by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, coronavirus, covid-19 quarantine, love, perspective, wisdom, 0
When you are feeling down, remember this. No one can take from you these two things: The love you...