I’ve been getting much more than the average “life feedback.” Themes are extreme – from people and pets passing, scary low cash flow, unexpected health issues, betrayals and emotional upheavals to extremely “stuck” situations with no seemingly feasible options.

Without minimizing the great things that are happening in your life, I want to address these heavier issues since we feel the pain of the challenge more than we do the joy of the good. How you focus your energy in this moment of sadness, stress or worry is key. Here are a few key things to keep in mind:

1. The turbulent emotions triggered by this particular situation will pass. Time is your best ally. No matter what, you will get through it, and unexpected resources and support will show up. You can trust this to be true as you look back on your life and see proof.

2. Force yourself to focus on how you would like to feel and what you would like to get out of this situation. Even the most painful and complex challenge will bring forth a gift. Choose now what you’d like that to be – strength, confidence, compassion, patience, more trust in self, depth, consciousness, etc. Envision multiple positive outcomes.

3. Remember that one of our purposes as human beings is to develop into our greatest power and strength. It is because of this that you are going through what you are now.

4. Diligently focus on what is working in your life – that which is abundant, good, stable, calm, graceful, loving, productive, and supportive. You’ll see it if you look for it, but it will stay hidden if you don’t, especially when you are going through challenges.

5. Finally, when others are rude or impatient remember that they may be going through a challenge you don’t know about. Send them relentless love.

1 Comment
  1. Nelly Bautista 7 years ago


    I enjoy following and reading your weekly article on the Midweek ” A Mindful Moment”. It is very inspirational and full of insights. I want to share those articles with my friends via facebook. Is that ok and how do I go about it?

    Much Mahalo!

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