Life is hard now for many – physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, vocationally, – basically across the board. When we are feeling down about our lives, it’s important to remember that there are multiple realities in any given moment, not just the one you are focusing on. It’s easy to let the challenges of our lives become the dominant reality, thinking that is all that exists, and end up feeling quite down about everything. When you make the effort to look for the other supportive and positive realities that coexist along with the challenges you are experiencing, your stresses dissolve, and gratitude and appreciation have the opportunity to find their way into your heart. Remember, it’s not “all bad” unless you only focus on the “bad.”
Choose a New Reality to Focus On
Focus on What is Working by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, dark, focus, light, perspective, 0
ON THE EXTREME EDGE OF SANITY: Imagine that you are walking along the edge of a cliff. To your...
Unsatisfied with Your Relationship? by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, challenges, love, negative, relationship, 1
It’s hard to appreciate any relationship when you compare it to the fantasy of what you think it “should...
Is it time to say goodbye?, , Blog, Inspirations, Alice, Alice Inoue, goodbye to friends, time to say goodbye, 0
If you follow my work, you know that times are really changing. You may be seeing big changes in...
My Big Lesson from the Universe, , Blog, Inspirations, Alice, Alice Inoue, facing death, facing fear, 0
“I had to face the possibility of death in order to wake up to life.” Written by Happiness U...
The Universe is a Great Teacher, , Blog, Inspirations, Miscellaneous, Alice, Alice Inoue, balance, challenge, expectation, growth, life, 0
Sometimes it’s easy to wonder why life doesn’t go the way we want all the time. Why don’t others...
Dealing with Obstacles? by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, 50 shades, Alice, Alice Inoue, challenge, decisions, focus, making decisions, obstacles, perspective, 0
Are you facing a challenge? Have to make a decision and feeling pulled in two? Perhaps you aren’t meeting...
All Things Are Possible by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, desires, fears, focus, manifest, possible, Reality, thoughts, 0
REMEMBER THAT ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE: Focus more on what you want, and less on your “what if” fears....
“Why is This Happening to Me?”, , Blog, Inspirations, Alice, Alice Inoue, frustration, why, 0
Have you ever thought to yourself, “My life is not supposed to be like this!”? Or “Why is this...