QUESTION OF THE WEEK: The upcoming Chinese Zodiac year is the year of the monkey. Will you give me your insight on what to expect? Are there some specific things to do to best prepare for this year?
Astrologically, this coming Monday, February 8, marks the beginning of the energies of the year of the monkey, in particular the “fire” monkey, pushing out the year of the sheep. Because fire is related to the color red, it is also called the year of the “red fire monkey.”
The Upcoming Year
After all the challenges experienced in the last few years, the monkey brings a little more “fun” as well as balance to the year. However, it’s not a year to relax by any means, as there is still a lot going on in terms of things that need to be accomplished. The monkey will just bring in some well-deserved balance in addition to all the activity.
In 2016 expect that things will be busy and that your life will move a brisk pace. This is because the monkey’s first priority is to be active. Therefore, the monkey year will bring an intense “to do” list to the table of your life. The good news is that you will have the ability to accomplish, and get more done than usual.
Understanding the year
Being that the monkey is a member of the primate family, he is also highly intelligent, so no matter how light-hearted he may seem on the outside, there is more to him than meets the eye. Very little escapes the monkey’s notice and he will never miss an opportunity. So in the same way, you will not only notice, but will act upon opportunities this year in greater frequency than the past.
Also, health, wellness, fitness and a good diet will be a wise focus this year. This is because the monkey year is one that will drive many of us towards making changes in our lives, and we will need all the energy we can get.
Feng shui actions to take in your home
- Welcome the incoming year with fire energy in the form of color, adorning your home with red.
- Set the intent for maximum wealth for the coming year. It always feels good to have lots of money in your wallet, so fill your wallet with cash tomorrow (lots of singles will do), making it appear stuffed and full, symbolizing the abundance you expect.
- Wear something new on Monday, representing a new outlook, a new you and new beginnings. Red symbolizes joy and happiness. If you have no new clothes to wear, at least wear something red!
- When you wake up tomorrow morning (Monday, February 8), open all the doors and windows and let the energy of 2015 move out so that new, inspirational and fresh opportunities can be welcomed in for 2016!