
Here are some milestones we all go through at certain ages that can be related to certain planetary contacts. Can you relate or remember any of these?

Turning 21 is your Nodal return, Saturn square, Uranus square: This is where you feel you “have a calling” – like destiny, you are finally an adult. You do crazy independent things, and responsible things at the same time. Usually fate steps in and wakes you up to “something” so you have the opportunity to change out the “bad” friends and meet new ones and break out in life (even though you don’t necessarily know where you are headed)

Turning 28-29 is your Saturn return: You get real serious about your life and question everything. If you are married to the wrong person you get a divorce. If you are in a steady relationship, you get married. If you’re already married you get a house or have a kid. If you’re in a dead-end job, you take a lower paying job, in order to have the potential to move up in life. Basically, big changes.

Turning 38-39 is your Pluto square: You process through a lot of “stuff” – much of it emotional. You are on a quest to find your power and know who you are. You shed old belief systems, start feeling “kind of old,” and question whether you are too old to be young, cute, or “cool” anymore. You’re not “young” anymore…but not old either. Kind of an awkward place to be as you transition and “graduate” from your 30’s into something better. “Death and rebirth” is the theme.

Turning 41-42 is your Uranus opposition: You start thinking, “F” the system, the structure, and the people and situations that are limiting. You make changes as you need to find your inner freedom without having to wear skimpy clothes and sell your soul. If you are still clubbing it loses its luster. You wake up to more of what’s true for you. You are bolder than ever. Life is not over, but you feel you can see the end.

Turning 50 is your Chiron return: You are on a mega-mission to get “over” your stuff. You seek help in many forms, and you do things you never did before to get clear and find inner peace (all you want is peace!). You do what you can to let go of past wounds and stop making excuses for why you never got where you wanted. You start taking care of YOU versus everyone else. You try to stop blaming your parents or ex-spouse for messing up your life.

Turning 58-59 is your second Saturn return: There’s a huge focus on bones, skin, taxes, and teeth if you never took care of these things earlier, among other things you just “gotta” do. You think about “retiring” into something else, changing roles, changing hats, lightening up the load. You think about giving back and you want to use your wisdom for the good.

Turning 84 is your Uranus return: An amazing time of your life especially if your took care of yourself and your health, and still have all your wits about you.  It’s amazing how much you just don’t care anymore about what others think, and what others want you to do – you are just YOU and that’s too bad. You wish you would have lived more of your life this way.


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