If you are facing challenges in your life that you feel you have no control over, you likely feel down when you think about them. Use your ability to shift your focus at will, and turn it onto the power of “I am.” Instead of saying, “I am stressed. I am sad. I am angry,” begin affirming (The word “affirmation” means to make “firm in one’s mind”) – “I am doing the best I can. I am seeing more support come forth. I am finding new ways to cope. I am in charge of how I look at this situation. I am blessed in other ways.” What is a positive “I am” that you can affirm today?
I Am Happy
808.436.8234 smile@YourHappinessU.com
Self-Care for Each Astrological Sign by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, aquarius, aries, astrological sign, astrology, cancer, capricorn, gemini, health, horoscope, leo, libra, mind-body, pisces, sagittarius, scorpio, self-care, taurus, virgo, 0
Even long time followers of astrology may not be aware that every zodiac sign has a physical body part...
How can you free yourself from fear?
admin@ardentpoint.net, , Blog, Inspirations, Alice, Alice Inoue, fear, follow your heart, 0
It’s interesting how the theme of what my clients go through come in waves of the same life focus. ...
Things I’ve Been Told by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, Author, authority, fear, life, perspective, 0
THINGS I’VE BEEN TOLD IN THE LAST DECADE: You can’t call yourself a “life guide” – that’s not a...
Project Happiness 2014 | Affirmation #8
admin@ardentpoint.net, , Blog, Inspirations, affirmation, Alice, Alice Inoue, the bigger picture, 0
“There is always a bigger picture to consider that supports me in every way.” Click on the thumbnail image...
What to Do When You Need to Vent by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, aware, conscious, mindful, negativity, perspective, positivity, vent, 0
While it may be tempting to excessively express the negativity of a situation (because honestly, sometimes it just feels...
Change that Channel by Alice Inoue, Founder of Happiness U
ErinAssistant, , Blog, Alice, Alice Inoue, negative, positive, Reality, voice in your head, 0
If you are anxious about something and can’t stop imagining a negative outcome, it’s because you are tuning into...
Do You Love Your Work?
admin@ardentpoint.net, , Blog, Inspirations, Alice, Alice Inoue, love your work, work, 0
Written by Alice Inoue, Chief Happiness Officer of Happiness U I love my work and what I do. I...
“Why is This Happening to Me?”
admin@ardentpoint.net, , Blog, Inspirations, Alice, Alice Inoue, frustration, why, 0
Have you ever thought to yourself, “My life is not supposed to be like this!”? Or “Why is this...