When you are upset about something, do you suppress your feelings, hold resentment and feel horrible on the inside, or do you get it all out and make others feel horrible instead? Communication when you are upset is not easy, especially because you know it’s not healthy to keep things in, yet you know it’s also important to be “authentic” and not hold back.

Being authentic, however does not mean that every emotion has to be expressed. It actually means for us to come from the core of who we are, which is nothing other than love. In other words, let go of your pride and ego and speak from a place of kindness, consideration, and balance.

So the next time you are upset, remember to consider both sides – you AND them. How can what you say serve not just yourself, but benefit the other person as well? Relieve your own discomfort, yes, but speak from a kind, considerate, and loving heart. This is the essence of being authentic. This is the heart of love.

  1. Zach Seidman 6 years ago

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  2. Reedy 6 years ago

    Dude! Awesome stuff. Please keep writing more things like this. I really like the fact you went so in depth on this and really explored the topic as much as you did. I read a lot of blogs but usually, it’s pretty shallow content. Thanks for upping the game here!

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